would it have been worth while, to have bitten off the matter with a smile,
to have squeezed the universe into a ball

Thursday, June 14, 2007


things i can no longer remember:

1. the date of the spanish armada's defeat
2. what my hair looks like blow-dried
3. when henry last ate
4. if he ate
5. if i ate
6. the name of the painting by whistler with his mother sitting in a rocking chair
7. the premise of post-colonial literary theory
8. how to analyze non-canonical english constructions
9. the name of my third grade teacher
10. what i look like without these extra 15 pounds
11. the taste of authentic mexican food
12. how it feels to sleep through the night
13. or eat a meal without holding someone on my lap
14. what mr. kurtz was referring to when he said the horror, the horror
15. who john galt is
16. whether i was disgusted or excited by ibsen's "a doll's house"
17. how empty the house was before hal's little laugh

1 comment:

Stephanie and Paul said...

sleeping through the night: for older kids, dads, and old people. not for moms. unfortunately.