would it have been worth while, to have bitten off the matter with a smile,
to have squeezed the universe into a ball

Thursday, August 23, 2007


stephenie meyer has done it again. i've spent all morning debating whether i would sooner date a werewolf or a vampire.

it seems to me a tricky question, but bella, the heroine of eclipse doesn't seem to be having any trouble deciding.

now, go ahead and cast stones at me, but i'm a parent of a future teenager and i can't help twisting out the moral implications of young adult fiction. and when it comes right down to it, i really have a problem with edward, specifically the relationship between him and bella. it seems to be built around all the wrong things: looks, fate, muscles, curiosity. bella routinely describes edward as an angel, as if his admirable self-control and really hot body make up for the fact that he is what he is--a vampire. she constantly belittles herself around him, always pointing out to herself and to us that she isn't good enough. besides that, there's no real friendship between the two characters. edward never gives bella the full story and rarely allows her to take part in the decision making. it's a completely physical relationship that can't even get physical! (although, i have to thank ms. meyers for having edward so staunchly protect bella's virginity.) if bella were my daughter, i would be more bothered by her inferiority complex with this boyfriend than his vampiric tendencies.

juxtapose edward against jacob and i'm even more confused at the impetus behind bella's choice to remain with edward. bella frequently refers to jake as her best friend and is always down when she can't see him. with jake, bella is on equal footing. jake listens to her, respects her opinion, and while is perhaps a little more outwardly volatile, at least he's more real. and when bella is with jake, we finally see her being herself--free, open, and happy. from meyer's description of "imprinting," where the werewolf becomes exactly what his mate needs at all times, i can't see how edward's ice hard body and soulless existence can even stack up.

i haven't finished the book, but i'm crossing my fingers (most likely in vain) that bella won't trade her soul to spend her life with a very polite, perfect, and not very genuine seeming vampire, when she could be with a warm and comforting friend.

which life would you choose for yourself?
i'd take the werewolf.


Sarajane said...

but don't we always want what we can't have? Isn't the week before christmas much more exciting then the actual day? What is that saying?- something about a rosebud. It is the act of chasing the dream that is thrilling. For the love of the hunt (for the unatanable love or thing).It might say something about ones maturity- the real or the surreal? I must admit that I too choose Edward, mybe next year I will be a grownup and choose Jake.

Kristel said...

I understand what you are saying but...I guess I'm shallow and immature...I am in love with Edward!

Becky J. said...

I have totally been thinking this exact same thing all week! I'm in the middle of eclipse right now, and I can't believe that Bella is niave enough to believe that she can have her cake and eat it, too. Props to Jake for being a big enough man to be able to continue to hang around her and be her friend even though he wants much more than that. Or maybe he's just as dumb as she is.

I think that I can understand Bella, though. I can totally see why she'd be so enamored with Edward, and yet I think that their relationship is built on lots of wrong things, too. Would she have fallen for him so easily if vampires were scary, ugly creatures? He seems like he's her father more than her father does! I think she loves Edward partially because she's always had to be a grown-up prematurely because of her mother's immaturity, and Edward is mature and older than his age (yeah, significantly I guess :D) and appeals to that grown-up inside Bella. And yet she is still an immature teenager and Jake brings that side of her out, so she loves to be around him.

It's driving me crazy right now, and I think if I were 18 year-old Bella, I'd choose Jake. But the 28 year-old in me loves Edward, too. I wish Jake would just imprint on someone else so that he could forget about Bella, and then she'd see just how much she really did love him. Sorry that was so long! I've obviously thought a lot about this! :)

Joni said...

I found your blog through John Bennion - English hiker extraordinaire. He told me that you went on the trip as well - fun stuff, no?

I completely agree with you. This book bothers me on many levels. Aside from the fact that it's turned about a bazillion teenagers into "future vampires" and aside from the fact that I think Meyer's writing style is horrible, what does the book really teach? Looks over personality, for one thing - but what about how we make decisions? Meyers could have taken a Tuck Everlasting route with this one - what would we *really* do if presented with the option to be immortal on earth? I find it ironic that the fictional nine year old Winnie is able to make a more rational decision (and perhaps the better one) than eighteen year old hormonally charged Bella who can't think of anything but a cold hard . . . whatever.

Ok. Venting over. Long comment short, I agree with you.